Clear out used litter twice a day

Many cat lovers forget this most important step in maintaining a hygienic litter box and a healthy feline.
We know you are a busy person with a lot on your plate. But attending to the litter box a few times a day often makes all the difference to your furry friends. Cats prefer a clean environment (let’s face it, we all do!). By devoting a few seconds of your time each morning and evening to this task, you will encounter fewer accidents outside the box and decrease the amount of exposure your cat has to litter box waste and germs.
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As always we look to ways of keeping cats comfortable, happy, and using the litter box. Following these and other basic rules of litter box care can help avoid problems from coming up if your cat uses the box well, and help to alleviate problems if your cat already has litter box issues. Please note that some litter box behaviors and avoidance can signs of medical problems - if your cat has litter box issues or you notice changes in litter box behavior, it is important to take your cat to a good veterinarian. Although Boxiecat brand litter is veterinarian recommended, the writers of the article wish to state that we are not qualified to give medical advice.