Web Accessibility Statement
Boxiecat LLC has an ongoing commitment to ensuring that our web environment is accessible to everyone, including individuals with disabilities. As part of these efforts, we work toward meeting accessibility standards. While these standards may change and/or evolve over time, they are currently at the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 at Levels A and AA ("WCAG 2.0").
We regularly evaluate our web environment using automated accessibility assessment tools and make efforts to implement recommended adjustments in a timely manner. Our web developers have also received instruction related to web accessibility and universal design strategies.
Contact Boxiecat with Your Accessibility Questions/Feedback
Please be aware that our efforts are ongoing. If, at any time, you have any specific questions, feedback, or concerns about the accessibility of any of the pages on Boxiecat.com, please contact us at 877-817-0253 or hello@boxiecat.com. If you do encounter an accessibility issue, please be sure to specify the Web page/URL in your email, and we will make all reasonable efforts to address your concerns.